Family First

Residential Treatment For Adolescents



James McManus, the founder and owner of Family First Adolescent Services, has devoted his career to understanding and treating the unique circumstances of young people grappling with drug and alcohol addiction, mood disorders and post-traumatic stress disorder.


He attended Florida State University, where he obtained a Bachelors degree, then a Masters degree from Palm Beach Atlantic University. He has extensive training through the University of Pennsylvania’s Head of Psychiatry, Edna Foa, in the use of Prolonged Exposure Therapy to treat PTSD. He also attended the world-renowned Beck Institute to study Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for suicide and depression in adolescents.


James began his career helping individuals and families at Caron Foundation’s Hanley Center. Through thousands of hours of individual, family and group therapy, he has designed treatment plans and programs that have become the basis of Family First. He is truly passionate about helping young people and their families learn, grow and recover.

The goal of Family First Adolescent Services is to help families stop being controlled by substance use disorders and begin building a road map based on compassion, boundaries and self-care that families can use together to navigate the lifelong journey ahead of them

Contact James McManus at jmcmanus@familyfirstas.com  or 561-315-3767.